Dr. Ryan D’Arcy, is a neuroscientist and world renowned expert in using technology to help make brains better. Dr. D’Arcy is BC Leadership Chair in Medical Technologies and Professor of Applied Sciences at Simon Fraser University. He serves as Head of Surrey Memorial Hospital's Health Sciences and Innovation at Fraser Health and is the founding Chair of BC's Innovation Boulevard. Ryan is also the Neuro Tech Node Co-Lead for the Point of Care Health Technologies team. Dr. D’Arcy has joined forces with the City of Surrey to drive the rapid development of Surrey’s Innovation Boulevard, which will focus BC’s technology sector into a global leader of health care innovation. Dr. D’Arcy received his B.Sc. (with distinction) from the University of Victoria, M.Sc. & Ph.D. degrees in Neuroscience from Dalhousie University, and completed post-doctoral training in MRI Physics at the National Research Council. Over the last 20 years, Dr. D’Arcy has led Canada's translational neuroscience to bring direct healthcare impact to devastating brain conditions. He has created brain vital signs, led VR brain surgery breakthroughs, and discovered activity in elusive brain white matter. Click here to read about the recent innovative story of Captain Trevor Greene, who is reaching new heights following a devastating axe attach in Afghanistan (http://www.macleans.ca/society/life/the-iron-soldier-how-trevor-greene-learned-to-walk-again/).