Supporting dementia technology development in Indigenous communities in Canada: Respecting “the way that we are.” Blind M, Pitawanakwat K, Jones L, Warry W, Jacklin K. (2018). Supporting dementia technology development in Indigenous communities in Canada: Respecting “the way that we are.” Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Chicago, IL, July 20-21, 2018. Oral Presentation. Laurentian University, Northern Ontario School of Medicine, University of Minnesota | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2018-07-21 | "Blind, Melissa", "Pitawanakwat, Karen", Louise Jones, Wayne Warry, Kristen Jacklin |
Workpackage 1 meeting Ryerson University, Northern Ontario School of Medicine, University of Minnesota, University of Dundee, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences | Networking and Partnerships | 2018-05-17 | Izabela Panek, Krishna Prasad Sivaprasad, Lisa Loiselle, Danette Starblanket, Deborah Fels, Kristen Jacklin, Judith Sixsmith, Raluca Morariu, Arlene Astell |
Workpackage 1 meeting KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences | Networking and Partnerships | 2018-06-08 | Dorina Simeonov, Arlene Astell, Danette Starblanket, Lisa Loiselle, Izabela Panek, Debra Morgan, Raluca Morariu |
Workpackage 1 Meeting Ryerson University, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences | Networking and Partnerships | 2018-06-21 | Izabela Panek, Deborah Fels, Lisa Loiselle, Danette Starblanket, Raluca Morariu, Arlene Astell |
Workpackage 1 meeting Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, McMaster University, Northwood Inc., Dalhousie University, University of Dundee, Ryerson University | Networking and Partnerships | 2018-07-19 | Izabela Panek, Raluca Morariu, Danette Starblanket, Brenda Vrkljan, Arlene Astell, Susan Kirkland, Judith Sixsmith, Deborah Fels |