My name is Colleen McGrath.
I completed my BA in Health Studies and Gerontology at McMaster University (2002-2006) and obtained my Masters in Occupational Therapy from McMaster in 2008. After working in private clinical practice for two years, I attended Western University to complete my PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (Health and Aging) where I completed a critical ethnography on how the environment influences the ability of older adults with age-related vision loss (ARVL) to engage in their daily occupations.
I am presently working as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow for the AGE-WELL TUNGSTEN project (WP 1.2) where I am focused on ensuring that older adults needs, values, and preferences are included within the technology design, development, and commercialization process. Outputs
Title |
Category |
Date |
Authors |
Novel methods to understand barriers to technology adoption for older adults: Emerging results from the COBALT project1.2 TUNGSTEN Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-03-03 | | Technology solutions for well-being in later life1.2 TUNGSTEN Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-03-01 | | The benefits and barriers to technology acquisition: Understanding the decision-making processes of older adults with age-related vision loss (ARVL)1.2 TUNGSTEN Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-09-26 | | AGE-WELL teleconference – Engaging older adultsThis teleconference was held to inform these Work Packages on the specific areas of research of each group, and to identify common areas of interest, allowing these Work Packages to combine their efforts for mutual advantage and to decrease the duplication of similar work.
Action Items Following the Meeting Included:
1.2 will share the survey questions
7.2 will share the protocol document with 1.3
8.2 will discuss the policy and process international review with 7.1
7.1 will discuss overlap between policy related projects with 8.2
1.2 will share the survey results
7.2 will discuss potential collaboration with 8.2 citizen panels to inform mutually beneficial interests 8.2 will look across various citizen panels related to aging to identify common themes that may be helpful to WP1
1.3 will discuss potential for collaboration with 8.2 to understand experience and outcome of older adult engagement on citizen panels
7.2 will share the knowledge synthesis results when the manuscript is complete
All will talk to advisory committee at meeting to facilitate collaborations between work packages by providing a secure portal for information and data sharing
1.2 TUNGSTEN, 7.1 PRI-TECH, 7.2 DRIVE, 8.2 ADT, 1.3 OA-INVOLVE, CC3 T-WORK, NMO Project Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto, University of Dundee, University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University, KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, Ryerson University, McMaster Health Forum, McMaster University, University of Alberta | Networking and Partnerships | 2016-02-04 | Arlene Astell, Judith Sixsmith, Paul Stolee, Josephine McMurray, Rosalie Wang, Alex Mihailidis, Deborah Fels, Yoko Ishigami-Doyle, Heather Mcneil, Michael Wilson, Bridgette Murphy, Colleen McGrath, Izabela Panek, Don Husereau, Sheila Bodemer, Ayse Kuspinar, Maggie MacNeil, Melissa Koch, Natalie Waldbrook, Jeanie Zabukovec | Feasibility of Using Personalised Touch Screen Computer Application Mozzaz to Help Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia and Their CaregiversOral presentation titled "Feasibility of Using Personalized Touch Screen Computer Application Mozzaz to Help Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia and Their Caregivers" at 6th Annual Mental Health Conference Day. The conference held at Ontario Shores center for mental health sciences on Tuesday, February 28th, 2017. The theme of conference was "Innovation and Technology in Mental Health Care". 1.2 TUNGSTEN Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-02-28 | | The benefits and barriers to technology acquisition: Understanding the decision-making processes of older adults with age-related vision loss (ARVL)1.2 TUNGSTEN Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-10-21 | |