Most Significant Contributions (last 6 years)
- Domus Laboratory : Living Labs for Designing Assistive Technology
I am the director and the co-founder of the DOMUS laboratory. DOMUS has an extensive experience using participatory design, pervasive computing, ambient intelligence, and living labs to design, explore, and evaluate a wide range of innovative solutions for cognitive assistance aimed to foster the autonomy of people with Dementia, Alzheimer disease, mild cognitive impairments, traumatic brain injury, mental retardation, or schizophrenia. Building pervasive assistance systems is a very complex challenge that requires deep knowledge, practical experience, and sophisticated hardware. I put into place the compulsory blend of interdisciplinary expertise, a rich international network of organizations, and a unique world-class infrastructure.
- Creation of an international research network on smart homes:
At DOMUS, >20 researchers collaborate in interdisciplinary projects. Their expertise covers both technology (computer science, engineering and geomatics) and health sciences and clinic (gerontology, occupational therapy, psychology, and neuropsychology), as well as ergonomics and design. DOMUS have collaborated with national and international research centers e.g. IATSL (Toronto), Telecom Bretagne (France), CRS4 (Italy), I2Star (Singapore) etc.), private corporations e.g. Ericsson Canada, Rogers, Orange (France), as well as health organizations and housing units (Centre of Rehabilitation – Estrie, Résidence de l'Estrie, etc.). DOMUS benefits from a rich and versatile research infrastructure to design, implement, and assess cognitive orthotics. This infrastructure integrates three variations on the living lab concept: a smart apartment on the campus enabling short term studies in technology-rich simulated housing, a living lab in an alternative housing unit for people with traumatic brain injury enabling long term ecological studies in a technology-rich real housing, and finally seniors' residences and personal residences (apartments and houses) enabling long term ecological studies in a mobile and agile technology environment.
- Extensive training of students:
Every year, nearly 10 graduate students, 20 undergraduate students and 10 international students are trained in interdisciplinary research projects at DOMUS. International, national, and regional awards have acknowledged the quality of the research done by DOMUS researchers and students.
- Development of clinical studies
Since 2002, >15 clinical and usability studies involving >160 participants and their caregivers have been completed, supported by >$ 3M in grants and research contracts.
- Mobile and Pervasive Assistive Technologies
Over the past 14 years, several cognitive orthotics were designed, implemented and evaluated at DOMUS. The resulting set of orthotics can support a wide variety of activities of daily living (ADL) to foster autonomy at home for people with cognitive impairments, e.g. medication, meal preparation, or budget. For one, meal preparation is crucial for social participation and autonomy. I am deeply and closely involved in the interdisciplinary research that produced three cooking assistants: Archipel (2008), SemAssist (2010) and COOK (2015). Archipel is designed for people with mental retardation and relies on procedural assistance. SemAssist, is designed for elders with semantic memory deficits. COOK is aimed to help people with severe traumatic brain injury to cook complex meals. COOK incorporates evidence-based best practices in occupational therapy to support metacognition. To a larger extend, I am developing with my collaborators a novel formal theory of cognitive rehabilitation. Clinical studies with Archipel and SemAssist results were beyond expectations. All cognitively impaired people involved were able to prepare successfully their meals and less assistance was required. COOK is under experimentation in DOMUS living lab. Indeed almost all cognitive assistance technologies developed at DOMUS are evaluated with real users in real conditions. Outputs
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Relation between light exposure and motor activity in sundowning institutionalized patients.In this multiple-case study we investigated the link between motor behavior and light exposure as it occured in the patient’s environment. Wrist actigraphy and light exposure were recorded continuously during two weeks for 4 sundowning patients aged between 67 and 82.3.3 DIY-AIDE Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-10-25 | | Relation between light exposure and motor activity in sundowning institutionalized patients.In this multiple-case study we investigated the link between motor behavior and light exposure as it occured in the patient’s environment. Wrist actigraphy and light exposure were recorded continuously during two weeks for 4 sundowning patients aged between 67 and 82. Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-10-25 | | Errance nocturne: limiter la déambulation et l'inquiétude de l'entourage.Semble égaré, désorienté, immobile, un regard fixe mais vague reconnaîtriez-vous les
signes? Pourtant selon l'Association canadienne de l'Alzheimer, 60% des personnes âgées
atteintes de troubles cognitifs s’égarent à un moment ou à un autre en milieu familier ou
pas. Courant chez les personnes atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer, l’errance nocturne en
soi n’est pas un danger mais peut impliquer de graves conséquences : tomber, se perdre, se
blesser. D’autre part elle apporte des sources d’inquiétudes chez l'entourage. L’objectif de
notre étude est de concevoir un système d’accompagnement pour personnes âgées avec
démence d'Alzheimer agissant lors d’épisodes d’errance nocturne. La méthodologie repose
sur des habitats intelligents contenant des capteurs (détecteurs de mouvement,
débitmètres) et des effecteurs (lampes, chemins lumineux). Le système résultant permet
d’accompagner la personne âgée pour lui permettre de satisfaire ses besoins : aller aux
toilettes, boire de l’eau, se relaxer. Il procède en deux étapes: la collecte des habitudes
nocturnes à l’aide des capteurs suivie, une semaine plus tard, d’une assistance personnalisée
avec une atmosphère calme imbibée de musique et de signaux lumineux indiquant la
direction de la chambre lorsque la personne est apaisée. Les notifications émises pour alerter
le conjoint en cas de persistance de l’errance, le suivi dans l’espace et l’éclairage
personnalisé rendent l’environnement sécuritaire. Des pré-tests ont été réalisés dans une
résidence semi-autonome. La prochaine étape consiste à tester le système chez des couples
de personnes âgées dont l’un des conjoints est atteint de la maladie d’Alzheimer.3.3 DIY-AIDE Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-10-22 | | Maintaining Good Relationships in Clinical Setting: the Bonus DOMUS Project Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-07-01 | | MODÈLE SÉMANTIQUE D’INTELLIGENCE AMBIANTE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DO-IT-YOURSELF D’HABITATS INTELLIGENTSL’intelligence ambiante utilise l’informatique diffuse, l’Internet des objets et l’intelligence
artificielle pour faire émerger de nouvelles solutions technologiques qui facilitent
le maintien à domicile des personnes âgées. L’assistance à l’autonomie à domicile
passe par un processus de transformation de l’habitat en habitat intelligent.
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la proposition d’un modèle sémantique de l’intelligence
ambiante. Le but est de proposer un domaine d’interprétation des interactions existantes
entre l’habitat, l’Internet des objets, le profil de la personne et l’assistance à
offrir. À ce titre, le lien sémantique entre les énoncés permet de formellement spécifier
les besoins et les règles d’inférences sont utilisées pour la génération des dispositifs
électroniques correspondant aux besoins spécifiés.
Le modèle sémantique proposé capture l’essence des concepts du domaine de l’intelligence
ambiante. Il organise et structure ainsi la connaissance sous-jacente au sein
d’une architecture logicielle. Couche par couche et module par module, cette architecture
s’adapte au contexte de l’utilisateur afin de permettre aux personnes ayant
peu ou pas de connaissances dans le domaine de concevoir (bricoler) leur propre solution
d’assistance et d’accompagnement à la réalisation de certaines activités de la
vie quotidienne.
Pour faciliter le bricolage (la conception par soi-même), le modèle s’appuie sur
des méthodes formelles de spécification, de vérification et de validation des scénarios.
Les scénarios décrivent l’agencement et le déroulement des activités à réaliser pour
la satisfaction d’un but. Enfin, pour accompagner le processus de bricolage jusqu’au
bout, un modèle théorique de positionnement des dispositifs électroniques dans un
habitat intelligent est proposé.
Une expérimentation à domicile a été menée durant 42 jours chez une personne
aînée souffrant de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Les résultats obtenus permettent de valider
le fonctionnement du modèle de sensibilité au contexte proposé et de renseigner les
proches aidant sur les habitudes de vie de leur aînée. L’assistance offerte a pour objectif
de fournir des signaux environnementaux pour favoriser un sommeil réparateur
et éviter des épisodes d’errance nocturne, chez les personnes atteintes de la maladie
d’Alzheimer.3.3b NEARS | HQP Training | 2019-01-16 | Hubert Kenfack-Ngankam | Handling of Labeling Uncertainty in Smart Homes using Generalizable Fuzzy Features Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, University of Montreal, Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2021-01-01 | | Context awareness architecture for ambient-assisted living applications: Case study of nighttime wanderingAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2020-01-01 | | Fuzzy Features for Activity Quality Estimation in DatasetsCedric Demongivert, Kevin Bouchard, Sébastien Gaboury. Maxime Lussier, Hubert Kenfack Ngankam, Mélanie Couture, Nathalie Bier, Sylvain Giroux, Fuzzy Features for Activity Quality Estimation in Datasets, EAI GOODTECHS 2020 - 6th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, September 14-16, 2020, Antwerp, Belgium.
Activity recognition in smart homes is a challenging problem that attracted a lot of attention in the past decades. Most approaches nowadays rely on data-driven methods from artificial intelligence, especially from the field of supervised machine learning. Therefore, those approaches heavily depend on the quality of the datasets they exploit. In this paper, we propose a generalizable method based upon fuzzy logic to estimate and diagnostic the quality of each activity instance of an existing dataset. We then apply it to a labeled dataset of the CASAS laboratory and analyze the results.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social GoodAWCRP-2020-06 Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, University of Montreal, Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2020-09-14 | | Context Modelling in Ambient Assisted Living: Trends and Lessons The current Internet of Things (IoT) development involves ambient intelligence which ensures that IoT applications provide services that are sensitive, adaptive, autonomous, and personalized to the users' needs. A key issue of this adaptivity is context modelling and reasoning. Multiple proposals in the literature have tackled this problem according to various techniques and perspectives. This chapter provides a review of context modelling approaches, with a focus on services offered in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) systems for persons in need of care. We present the characteristics of contextual information, services offered by AAL systems, as well as context and reasoning models that have been used to implement them. A discussion highlights the trends emerging from the scientific literature to select the most appropriate model to implement AAL systems according to the collected data and the services provided.AWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2021-07-14 | | SAPA TECHNOLOGY : an AAL Architecture for Telemonitoring, full paper, Special Session on Smart Living Environments to Support Aging-in-Place in Vulnerable Older AdultsHubert Ngankam, Maxime Lussier, Aline Aboujaoude,, Cedric Demongivert, Hélène Pigot, Sebastien Gaboury, Kevin Bouchard, Melanie Couture, Bier Nathalie, and Sylvain Giroux, SAPA TECHNOLOGY : an AAL Architecture for Telemonitoring, full paper, Special Session on Smart Living Environments to Support Aging-in-Place in Vulnerable Older Adults - Smart CommuniCare 2022, 15th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSTEC 2022, Vol. 5: HEALTHINF, February 9-11, 2022, Vienna, Austria, pp. 892-898AWCRP-2020-06 University of Montreal, Université de Sherbrooke, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-02-09 | | Service de télésurveillance des activités de la vie quotidienne pour les soins à domicile au Québec : besoins, attente s, et résultats préliminaires concernant l'adoption du système par les cliniciens.'Coup de coeur' award received
Aboujaoudé, A.*, Lussier, M., Filiou, P., Couture, M., Kenfack Ngankam, H., Giroux, S., Paré, G, Bottari,
C., Da Cunha Belchior, P., Bier, N. (2023). Service de télésurveillance des activités de la vie quotidienne pour les soins à domicile au Québec : besoins, attentes, et résultats préliminaires concernant l'adoption du système par les cliniciens. Journées scientifiques du CRIUGM 2023AWCRP-2020-06 University of Montreal, Université de Sherbrooke, HEC Montreal, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2023-06-02 | | Service de télésurveillance des activités de la vie quotidienne pour les soins à domicile au Québec : besoins, attente s, et résultats préliminaires concernant l'adoption du système par les cliniciens.Aboujaoudé, A.*, Lussier, M., Filiou, P., Couture, M., Kenfack Ngankam, H., Giroux, S., Paré, G, Bottari,
C., Da Cunha Belchior, P., Bier, N. (2023). Service de télésurveillance des activités de la vie quotidienne pour les soins à domicile au Québec : besoins, attentes, et résultats préliminaires concernant l'adoption du système par les cliniciens. Journées scientifiques du CRIUGM 2023AWCRP-2020-06 University of Montreal, Université de Sherbrooke, HEC Montreal, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2023-06-02 | | A distributable event-oriented architecture for activity recognition in smart homes Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, University of Montreal, Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2021-01-01 | | SHADE surveySHADE survey aims at gathering various knowledge and perceptions of both end users and professionals about products that improve the quality of life of older adults, of their family caregivers and the relationship between the older adults and their family caregivers.3.13-SIP A2 | Product | 2018-09-06 | Damien Lockner | Les environnements intelligents au service des intervenants en soutien à domicile : quel est leur potentiel pour les personnes âgées à risque de négligence de soi?Bier, N., *Lussier, M., Couture, M., *Moreau, M., Laliberté, C., Aboujaoudé, A., Giroux, S., Pigot,
H., Gaboury, S., Bouchard, K., Belchior, P., Bottari, C., Paré, G. Les environnements
intelligents au service des intervenants en soutien à domicile : quel est leur potentiel pour les
personnes âgées à risque de négligence de soi ? À paraître dans Allain, al. (eds), Actualités
en rééducation neuropsychologique. SOLALAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Montréal, University of Montreal, Université de Sherbrooke, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, HEC Montreal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-04-01 | Nathalie Bier, Maxime Lussier, Mélanie Couture, "Maxime Moreau ", Catherine Laliberté, Aline Aboujaoudé, Sylvain Giroux, Helene Pigot, Sébastien Gaboury, Kevin Bouchard, "Patricia Belchior ", Carolina Bottari, Guy Paré | Integrating an Ambient Assisted Living monitoring system into clinical decision-making in home care: An embedded case studyAWCRP-2020-06 University of Montreal, Université de Sherbrooke, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Montréal, HEC Montreal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2020-03-01 | Maxime Lussier, Mélanie Couture, M Moreau, Catherine Laliberté, Sylvain Giroux, Helene Pigot, Sébastien Gaboury, Kevin Bouchard, P Belchior, Carolina Bottari, Guy Paré, C Consel, Nathalie Bier | Using Ambient Assisted Living to Monitor Older Adults With Alzheimer Disease: Single-Case Study to Validate the Monitoring ReportAWCRP-2020-06 University of Montreal, Université de Sherbrooke, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Montréal, HEC Montreal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2020-11-13 | Maxime Lussier, Aline Aboujaoudé, Mélanie Couture, Maxim Moreau, Catherine Laliberté, Sylvain Giroux, Helene Pigot, Sébastien Gaboury, Kevin Bouchard, Patricia Belchior, Carolina Bottari, Guy Paré, Charles Consel, Nathalie Bier | Development of an Assistive Technology for Cognition to Support Meal Preparation in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: User-Centered Design StudyAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-01-01 | | Smart assistive technology for cooking for people with cognitive impairments following a traumatic brain injury: user experience studyAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Montréal, CIUSSS du centre sud de l'ile de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-01-01 | Mireille Gagnon-Roy, Sté phanie Pinard, Carolina Bottari, Fanny Le Morellec, Catherine Laliberté, Rym Ben Lagha, Amel Yaddaden, Helene Pigot, Sylvain Giroux, Nathalie Bier, Others | Development of an assistive technology for cognition to support meal preparation in severe traumatic brain injury: User-centered design studyStéphanie Pinard, Carolina Bottari, Catherine Laliberté, Hélène Pigot, Marisnel Olivares, Mélanie Couture, Aline Aboujaoudé, Sylvain Giroux, Nathalie Bier, Development of an assistive technology for cognition to support meal preparation in severe traumatic brain injury: User-centered design study, JMIR Human Factors, 2022 vol: 9 (3) pp: e34821AWCRP-2020-06 Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-08-04 | | Simple Objects Tracking System for Smart Homes Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-11-01 | | Applying Data Mining in Smart Home Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-09-01 | | Dialogue adaptatif pour l'assistance cognitive dans un système d’aide à domicileArmel Ayimdji Tekemetieu, Hélène Pigot, Carolina Bottari, Sylvain Giroux (2021) Dialogue adaptatif pour l'assistance cognitive dans un système d’aide à domicile. 5ème journée Interaction Humain-Machine et Intelligence artificielle. 11 mars 2021. AWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2021-03-11 | | From speech acts to assistance acts for cognitive rehabilitation in ambient assisted living: how to nudge cognitively impaired people to act independentlyTekemetieu, A.A., Pigot, H., Bottari, C., Giroux, S. From speech acts to assistance acts for cognitive rehabilitation in ambient assisted living: how to nudge cognitively impaired people to act independently. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized ComputingAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-01-19 | | De l’assistance verbale aux actes d’assistance pour encourager les personnes sujettes aux troubles cognitifs à agir de façon indépendante.Armel Ayimdji Tekemetieu, Carolina Bottari, Hélène Pigot, Mireille Gagnon-Roy, Sylvain Giroux (2021). De l’assistance verbale aux actes d’assistance pour encourager les personnes sujettes aux troubles cognitifs à agir de façon indépendante. Congrès Scientifique du CRIR, 7-8-9 Juin 2021.(Note : proposition de Présentation orale de type « Catalyseur »)
AWCRP-2020-06 Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2021-06-07 | | Modelisation des interventions cliniques pour la mise en place de l assistance cognitive dans les maisons connecteesArmel Ayimdji Tekemetieu, Hélène Pigot, Sylvain Giroux, Carolina Bottari. Modélisation des interventions cliniques pour la mise en place de l'assistance cognitive dans les maisons connectées. 88e Congrès de l'Acfas, Sherbrooke (QC), Canada, 2021. AWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2021-05-03 | | Vers une interaction système-résident adaptative pour l’assistance cognitive à la réalisation des activités quotidiennes dans une maison connectéeArmel Ayimdji Tekemetieu
Vers une interaction système-résident adaptative pour l’assistance cognitive à la réalisation des activités quotidiennes dans une maison connectée
Symposium de l’innovation AgeTech ,
29 juin 2021, en-ligne
AWCRP-2020-06 | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2021-06-29 | Armel Ayimdji Tekemetieu | Pervasive behavior tracking for cognitive assistance Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2008-01-01 | | Distributed mobile services and interfaces for people suffering from cognitive deficits Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2006-01-01 | | Online prediction of people’s next Point-of-Interest: Concept drift support TÉLUQ, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-09-01 | | Smart Homes and the Challenges of Data Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-07-01 | | Online recognition of people's activities from raw GPS data: Semantic Trajectory Data Analysis TÉLUQ, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-07-01 | | Les maisons intelligentes et le dépistage des troubles cognitifs : recension des écrits Université de Sherbrooke, CareBand Inc., Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-05-01 | Guillaume Paquette, Morakabati M, Ménard C, Sylvain Giroux, Helene Pigot, Manon Guay, Dominique Lorrain, Talbot L, Hudon C, Macoir J, Adam Sobol, Consel C, Gilbert B, Langlois F, Imbeault H, Nathalie Bier | Cognitive Assistance to Meal Preparation: Design, Implementation, and Assessment in a Living Lab Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-03-01 | | Human activity recognition in big data smart home context Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2014-10-01 | | A Multiagent Approach to Personalization and Assistance to Multiple Persons in a Smart Home Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2014-07-01 | | Designing a NIALM in smart homes for cognitive assistance Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2013-06-01 | | Unsupervised Mining of Activities for Smart Home Prediction Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2013-06-01 | | Assessing the Effect of Domotics Used as an Assistant to Meal Preparation With People With an Intellectual Disability Université de Sherbrooke, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2012-11-01 | | A Smart Home 3-D Modeling Approach for Spatiotemporal Analysis Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2012-06-01 | | A Macro and Micro Context Awareness Model for the Provision of Services in Smart Spaces Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2012-06-01 | | L'assistance cognitive pour les tâches de mémoire prospective: le cas d’une activité de cuisine Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2012-05-01 | | Tyche Project: A Context Aware Self-Organization Middleware for Ubiquitous Environment Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2011-09-01 | | Augmented Objects to Support People with Mild Cognitive Deficiencies in Everyday Activities Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2011-01-01 | | Macro and micro context-awareness for autonomic pervasive computing Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2010-11-01 | | User Needs Identification for a Smart Cognitive Assistant based on Participatory Design Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2010-11-01 | | Support Vector Machines for Inhabitant Identification in Smart Houses Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2010-10-01 | | Recommandations ergonomiques pour la conception de systèmes d'assistance cognitive dans les habitats intelligents Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2010-10-01 | | A Software Self-Organizing Middleware for Smart Spaces Based on Fuzzy Logic Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2010-09-01 | | Possibilistic Behavior Recognition in Smart Homes for Cognitive Assistance. Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2010-07-01 | Roy P C, Sylvain Giroux, Bouchard B, Bouzouane A, Phua C, Tolstikov A, Biswas J | Security, privacy, and dependability in smart homes: a pattern catalog approach Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2010-06-01 | | Promouvoir l'autonomie grâce à une orthèse cognitive ubiquitaire: retour sur expérience Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2010-06-01 | | SemAssist: Assistance and assessment tools for semantic memory rehabilitation Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2010-05-01 | *Groussard PY, Nathalie Bier, Sylvain Giroux, Helene Pigot, Macoir J, *Milhau J, *Descheneaux C, *Roy P C, *Arab F, Belkacem Chikhaoui, *Medini S, *Kammoun M F, *Parakh Y | Organization Nesting in a Multi-agent Application for Ambient Intelligence Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2010-04-01 | | Possibilistic Activity Recognition Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2010-01-01 | | Playing VKards to support cognitively impaired people on meal preparation Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2009-11-01 | | A Possibilistic Model for Activity Recognition in Smart Homes Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2009-10-01 | | Designing Judicious Interactions for Cognitive Assistance: The Acts of Assistance Approach Université de Sherbrooke, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2009-10-01 | | Design Challenges for Mobile Assistive Technologies Applied to People with Cognitive Impairments Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2009-07-01 | | Ambient Activity Recognition: A Possibilistic Approach Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2009-06-01 | | Space-Mediated Learning at the Locus of Action in a Heterogeneous Team of Mobile Workers. Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning, 2009. ELML '09. Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2009-02-01 | | Transforming Standard Homes into Cognitive Prosthesis Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2006-07-01 | | Personnalisation, Mobilité et Information Géo-referencée Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2001-01-01 | Sylvain Giroux, Moulin C., Paddeu G., Carboni D., Demontis R., Sanna S., Stara E. | Open Reflective Agents Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 1996-01-01 | | From Conception to Evaluation of Mobile Services for People with Head Injury: A Participatory Design Perspective Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-12-01 | | Identifying participation needs of people with acquired brain injury in the development of a collective community smarthome Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-09-01 | | Regression Analysis for Gesture Recognition Using RFID Technology Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2014-05-01 | | Intelligible software delivery in smart environments supported by a macro and micro context awareness model TÉLUQ, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2013-03-01 | | A context-aware service provision system for smart environments based on the user interaction modalities TÉLUQ, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2013-01-01 | | Ambient Activity Recognition in Smart Environments for Cognitive Assistance Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2013-01-01 | | Cooperating through space. Microgeomatics in smart space Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2011-12-01 | | Possibilistic Activity Recognition in Smart Homes for Cognitively Impaired People Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2011-10-01 | | Micro Context-Awareness for Autonomic Pervasive Computing Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2011-04-01 | | Pervasive Assistance in Smart Homes For People with Intellectual Disabilities : A Case Study on Meal Preparation Université de Sherbrooke, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2009-12-01 | | Coopérer par l'espace : La microgéomatique dans l'espace intelligent Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2009-04-01 | | Enforcing Security in Smart Homes using Security Patterns Université de Sherbrooke, Concordia University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2009-04-01 | | A hybrid plan recognition model for Alzheimer's patients: interleaved-erroneous dilemma Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2009-04-01 | | Disability centered approach in smart space management Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2009-02-01 | | An XACML-based Security Pattern to achieve Socio-Technical Confidentiality Université de Sherbrooke, Concordia University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2009-01-01 | | A Pervasive Framework for Multi-Agent Personalization in Smart Homes Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2008-08-01 | | Enhancing a Mobile Cognitive Orthotic: A User-Centered Design Approach Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2008-03-01 | | A Keyhole Plan Recognition Model for Alzheimer's Patients: First Results, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2007-07-01 | | Étude de convivialité de l'utilisation d'un agenda électronique par des personnes souffrant de schizophrénie Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-01-01 | | L’assistance cognitive dans les habitats intelligents pour favoriser le maintien à domicile Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-01-01 | | Smart Homes in the Era of Big Data Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-09-01 | | Valorization of Assistive Technologies for Cognition: Lessons and Practices Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-09-01 | | Smart Homes for People Suffering from Cognitive Disorders Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2012-12-01 | | Des habitats intelligents pour les personnes atteintes de troubles cognitifs Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2012-07-01 | | User’s Behavior Classification Model for Smart Houses Occupant Prediction Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2011-05-01 | | A possibilistic approach for activity recognition in smart homes for cognitive assistance to Alzheimer's patient Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2011-05-01 | *Roy P C, Sylvain Giroux, Bouchard B, Bouzouane A, Phua C, Tolstikov A, Biswas J | Challenging Issues of Ambient Activity Recognition for Cognitive Assistance Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2011-05-01 | | Combining Pervasive Computing with Activity Recognition and Learning Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2010-03-01 | | The Praxis of Cognitive Assistance Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2009-01-01 | | Active long-life trajectories: A vision for personalized healthcare and public health intervention through innovative information and communication technology3.1 VIGIL Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-09-30 | | Milieu d’hébergement domotisé pour clientèle avec une atteinte cognitive : solutions technologiques répondant aux besoins des acteurs impliqués3.3 DIY-AIDE Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2015-10-29 | | Le grand Montréal est-il prêt pour l'Internet des objets ?3.3 DIY-AIDE Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2015-11-19 | | Living Lab for Designing Assistive Technologies Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-03-14 | | Early detection of mild cognitive impairment with in-home monitoring sensor technologies using functional measures: A systematic review University of Montreal, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2018-01-01 | Maxime Lussier, Monica Lavoie, Sylvain Giroux, Charles Consel, Manon Guay, Joë l Macoir, Carol Hudon, Dominique Lorrain, Lise Talbot, Francis Langlois, Others | COOK TO SUPPORT INDEPENDENCE AND SAFETY DURING MEAL PREPARATION: CLINICIANS AND CAREGIVERS PERSPECTIVE Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke, University of Montreal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2019-01-01 | | Potential advantages, barriers, and facilitators of implementing a cognitive orthosis for cooking for individuals with traumatic brain injury: the healthcare providers' perspective Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2020-01-01 | Sareh Zarshenas, Mélanie Couture, Nathalie Bier, Sylvain Giroux, Helene Pigot, Deidre dowson, Emily Nalder, Mireille Gagnon-Roy, Guylaine Dorez, Frederique Poncet, Carolina Bottari | Fall Prevention and Detection in Smart Homes Using Monocular Cameras and an Interactive Social Robot Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, University of Montreal, Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2021-01-01 | | Invited Keynote : Aging at home : Challenges, transdisciplinarity, and smart homes.Invited Keynote
Sylvain Giroux
Aging at home : Challenges, transdisciplinarity, and smart homes.
Widecom, 2021, South Africa
2021, October 14AWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2021-10-14 | | Invited Keynote : A Do-It-Yourself Approach to Ambient Assisted LivingInvited Keynote
Sylvain Giroux
A Do-It-Yourself Approach to Ambient Assisted Living
2021 Ambient Intelligence,
Barcelona, SpainAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2021-10-06 | | Transdisciplinary Teamwork - A Factor in a Successful Smart Home? Mélanie Couture, Nathalie Bier, Sylvain Giroux
Transdisciplinary Teamwork - A Factor in a Successful Smart Home?
AGE-WELL Webinar
2021. May 27AWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2021-05-27 | | Aging in place, Season 3 of the DHIT Frequency: “Cross-Border Synergy.” Panel expert.
Sylvain Giroux
Aging in place, Season 3 of the DHIT Frequency: “Cross-Border Synergy.”
Webinar series,
Digital Health Institute for Transformation, North Carolina,
October 23, 2020 Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2020-10-23 | | Quebec and Finland Give Their AnswersPanel expert.
Sylvain Giroux
Quebec and Finland Give Their Answers. Comment maintenir les personnes âgées chez elle? Les réponses du Québec et de la Finlande,
11 juin 2020éal/webinaire-comment-maintenir-les-personnes-âgées-chez-elle/250957396119029/AWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2020-06-11 | | Fall Prevention and Detection in Smart Homes Using Monocular Cameras and an Interactive Social RobotLachaux Killian, Maitre Julien, Bouchard Kevin, Lussier Maxime, Bottari Carolina, Couture Mélanie, Bier Nathalie, Giroux Sylvain, and Gaboury Sebastien.
Fall Prevention and Detection in Smart Homes Using Monocular Cameras and an Interactive Social Robot.
In Proceedings of the Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT '21). September 9 - 11, 2021,
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA,
pp 7–12.
DOI: Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, University of Montreal, Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2021-09-09 | | Potential of using an assistive technology to address meal preparation difficulties following acquired brain injury: clients' and caregivers' perspectivesAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2021-02-01 | Sareh Zarshenas, Mireille Gagnon-Roy, Mélanie Couture, Nathalie Bier, Sylvain Giroux, Emily Nalder, Hé lène Pigot, Deirdre Dawson, Frédérique Poncet, Guylaine LeDorze, Carolina Bottari and | Facilitators and obstacles to the use of a cognitive orthosis for meal preparation within the homes of adults with a moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: Informal caregivers and health-care professionals' perspectivesAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-05-04 | | Using a cognitive orthosis to support older adults during meal preparation: Clinicians' perspective on COOK technologyAWCRP-2020-06 CIUSSS du centre sud de l'ile de Montréal, University of Montreal, Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2020-05-13 | | Potential advantages, barriers, and facilitators of implementing a cognitive orthosis for cooking for individuals with traumatic brain injury: the healthcare providers' perspectiveAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2020-11-05 | Sareh Zarshenas, Mélanie Couture, Nathalie Bier, Sylvain Giroux, Hé lène Pigot, Deirdre Dawson, Emily Nalder, Mireille Gagnon-Roy, Guylaine Le Dorze, Frédérique Poncet, Suzanne McKenna, Karl Zabjek, Carolina Bottari and | Cognitive assistance technology to increase safety and independence during meal preparation for people living with Traumatic Brain Injury: Therapists' perspectivesZarshenas S, Couture M, Giroux S, Bier N, Dowson D, Nalder E, Gagnon-Roy, Pigot H, M, Bottari C (2020). Cognitive assistance technology to increase safety and independence during meal preparation for people living with Traumatic Brain Injury: Therapists' perspectives. Poster presentation, Best Practice Day, GTA Rehab Network, Ontario, Toronto, Nov 27, 2020.AWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2020-11-27 | "Sara Zarshenas ", Mélanie Couture, Sylvain Giroux, Nathalie Bier, "D Dowson ", "E Nalder ", "Mireille Gagnon-Roy ", Helene Pigot, "Guylaine Le Dorez ", "F Poncet ", Carolina Bottari | De la recherche à la mise en oeuvre d’une coopérative de solidaritéSylvain Giroux et Hélène Pigot, De la recherche à la mise en oeuvre d’une coopérative de solidarité, Symposium de l’innovation AgeTech , 29 juin 2021, en-ligneAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2021-06-29 | | Smart environments in support of fragile and isolated older adults: Protocol for the City of Côte Saint-Luc’s Living LabNathalie Bier, Thomas Tannou, Carolina Bottari, Sylvain Giroux, Hélène Pigot, Thomas Lihoreau, Sylvia Pelayo, Xavier Ferrer, Charles Gouin-Vallerand, Guy Paré, Sébastien Gaboury, Kevin Bouchard, Rosalie Wang, Mélanie Couture, Smart Environments in Support of Fragile and Isolated Older Adults: Protocol for the City of Côte Saint-Luc’s Living Lab, Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Smart CommuniCare, BIOSTEC 2022, Vol. 5: HEALTHINF, February 9-11, 2022, Vienna, Austria, pp. 883-891AWCRP-2020-06 Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke, HEC Montreal, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-02-09 | Nathalie Bier, "Thomas Tannou ", Carolina Bottari, Sylvain Giroux, Helene Pigot, "Thomas Lihoreau ", "Sylvia Pelayo ", "Xavier Ferrer ", Charles Gouin-Vallerand, Guy Paré, Sébastien Gaboury, Kevin Bouchard, Rosalie Wang, Mélanie Couture | How can municipalities support aging in place using technological innovations? A single-case study in a Canadian cityMélanie Couture, Aline Aboujaoudé, Sylvain Giroux, Hélène Pigot, and Nathalie Bier, How can municipalities support aging in place using technological innovations? A single-case study in a Canadian city, full paper, Special Session on Smart Living Environments to Support Aging-in-Place in Vulnerable Older Adults - Smart CommuniCare 2022, 15th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSTEC 2022, Vol. 5: HEALTHINF, February 9-11, 2022, VIenna, Austria, pp. 911-918AWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-02-09 | | Is research on ‘smart living environments’ based on unobtrusive technologies for older adults going in circles? Evidence from an umbrella reviewAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke, CIUSSS du centre sud de l'ile de Montréal, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-01-01 | Thomas Tannou, Thomas Lihoreau, Mé lanie Couture, Sylvain Giroux, Guillaume Spalla, Sareh Zarshenas, Mireille Gagnon-Roy, Aline Aboujaoudé, Amel Yaddaden, Lucas MORIN, Others | OntoDomus: A Semantic Model for Ambient Assisted Living System Based on Smart HomesAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-01-01 | | NEARS-Hub, a Lightweight Edge Computing for Real-Time Monitoring in Smart EnvironmentsNEARS-Hub, a Lightweight Edge Computing for Real-Time Monitoring in Smart Environments
Best paper award for AMI for Health & A3LAWCRP-2020-06 University of Montreal, Université de Sherbrooke, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-11-29 | | Managing the Fall Risk in Smart Homes Using Monocular Cameras, Ambient Sensors and an Interactive Social RobotMr. Killian Lachaux, Julien Maître, Kevin Bouchard, Dr. Maxime Lussier, Carolina Bottari, Mélanie Couture, Prof Nathalie Bier, Sylvain Giroux Sebastien Gaboury, Managing the Fall Risk in Smart Homes Using Monocular Cameras, Ambient Sensors and an Interactive Social Robot, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Smart Healthcare and Emerging Technologies (SmartBlock4Health), Bucharest on 24-25 October 2022AWCRP-2020-06 Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, University of Montreal, Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-10-01 | | Is research on ‘smart living environments’ for older adults going in circles? Evidence from an umbrella reviewTannou, Thomas; LIHOREAU, Thomas; Couture, Mélanie; Giroux, Sylvain; Wang, Rosalie; Spalla, Guillaume; Zarsgenas, Sareh; Gagnon-Roy, Mireille; Aboujaoudé, Aline; Yaddaden, Amel; Morin, Lucas; Bier, Nathalie, Is research on ‘smart living environments’ for older adults going in circles? Evidence from an umbrella review Ageing Res Rev. 2023 Feb;84:101830. doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2022.101830. Epub 2022 Dec 21. PMID: 36565962.AWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke, University of Toronto, CIUSSS du centre sud de l'ile de Montréal, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2023-02-01 | Thomas Tannou, "Thomas Lihoreau ", Mélanie Couture, Sylvain Giroux, Rosalie Wang, Guillaume Spalla, "Sareh Zarsgenas ", "Mireille Gagnon-Roy ", Aline Aboujaoudé, Amel Yaddaden, "Lucas Morin ", Nathalie Bier | OntoDomus: A Semantic Model for Ambient Assisted Living System Based on Smart HomesNgankam, H.K.; Pigot, H.; Giroux, S. OntoDomus: A Semantic Model for Ambient Assisted Living System Based on Smart Homes. Electronics 2022, 11, 1143, 17 p.. Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-04-05 | | Potential advantages, barriers, and facilitators of implementing a cognitive orthosis for cooking for individuals with traumatic brain injury: the healthcare providers’ perspectiveSareh Zarshenas, Melanie Couture, Nathalie Bier, Sylvain Giroux, Hélène Pigot, Deirdre Dawson, Emily Nalder, Mireille Gagnon-Roy, Guylaine Le Dorze, Frédérique Poncet, Suzanne McKenna, Karl Zabjek, Carolina Bottari & on behalf of the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium (2022) Potential advantages, barriers, and facilitators of implementing a cognitive orthosis for cooking for individuals with traumatic brain injury: the healthcare providers’ perspective, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 17:8, 938-947AWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2022-08-01 | Sareh Zarshenas, Mélanie Couture, Nathalie Bier, Sylvain Giroux, Helene Pigot, "Deidre Dawson ", Emily Nalder, "Mireille Gagnon-Roy ", "Guylaine Le Dorze ", "Frédérique Poncet ", "Suzanne McKenna ", "Karl Zabjek ", Carolina Bottari | Self-Supervised Learning for Human Activity Recognition of the Elderly in Smart HomeAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2023-10-24 | | Leveraging Self-Supervised Learning for Human Activity Recognition with Ambient SensorsAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2023-09-06 | | Enhancing Human Activity Recognition in Smart Homes with Self-Supervised Learning and Self-AttentionAWCRP-2020-06 Université de Sherbrooke, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2024-01-29 | |