État des connaissances sur les fauteuils roulants motorisés intelligents (FRMIs) et recommandations pour la poursuite de leur développement : un examen de la portéeMémoire de maîtrise en sciences de la réadaptation Université de Montréal, McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2021-09-06 | Nathalie Todam Nguepnang, Dahlia Kairy, Philippe Archambault |
A LIVING LAB APPROACH TO STUDY USER EXPERIENCE OF AN INTELLIGENT POWER WHEELCHAIR McGill University, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2018-06-10 | Anne-Marie Hebert, Philippe Archambault, Dahlia Kairy |
A scoping review of data logger technologies used with manual wheelchairs. Université Laval, University of British Columbia | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-06-10 | Francois Routhier, Josiane Lettre, Ian Mitchell, "J Borisoff", Bill Miller |
Barrières et facilitateurs à l’utilisation d’un fauteuil roulant motorisé intelligent selon la perspective des usages et de leurs aidants Université Laval | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2013-05-01 | Francois Routhier |
CanWheel: Une équipe de recherche pancanadienne au bénéfice des aînés qui utilisent un fauteuil roulant motorisé Université de Montréal, Université Laval, University of British Columbia | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2014-05-01 | Louise Demers, Francois Routhier, Bill Miller, Claudine Auger, Rushton PW, CanWheel Research Team |
Evaluation of intelligent powered wheelchairs (Half day workshop) University of Toronto, Université Laval, McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2013-06-01 | Pooja Viswanathan, Rosalie Wang, With Urdiales Garcia C, Mandel C, Francois Routhier, Arthanat S, Karyn Moffatt |
Towards a macroscopic view of using an assistive technology for mobility for its development: assessing users’ and co-users’ experienceAbstract. This paper aims to propose an approach to include a holistic user expe-rience (UX) perspective in the development of an assistive technology for mobili-ty, more precisely an intelligent powered wheelchair (IPW). First, the UX related to the anticipated experience (powered wheelchair users, caregivers, clinicians) was obtained in a previous study in order to define technological and functional specifications. Second, the UX related to the episodic and momentary experience were highlighted within a Living lab approach. In that framework, we tested with end-users an IPW in an ecological setting, a mall. For our next step, we propose a methodology to apprehend the cumulative experience. This study will take into account co-users, i.e. co-workers, other pedestrians, etc., that most studies do not take into account and that, in diverse ecological settings. McGill University, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2018-07-22 | Anne-Marie Hebert, Philippe Archambault, Dahlia Kairy |
Building Your Scientific and Technical Writing SkillsMitacs Workshop. | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2017-12-12 | Dolapo Owonuwa |
Discovering the Entrepreneur WithinMITACS Workshop. | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2018-06-27 | Dolapo Owonuwa |
Essentials of Productive TeamsMITACS Workshop. | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2018-05-29 | Dolapo Owonuwa |
Foundations of Project Management 1Mitacs Workshop. | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2018-04-09 | Dolapo Owonuwa |
Foundations of Project Management 2MITACS Workshop. | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2018-05-16 | Dolapo Owonuwa |
Assistive Technology Development and Translation into Clinical Practice | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-07-12 | "P Viswanathan", "RH Wang", "C Holloway", "R Black", "J Harris" |
Evaluation of Intelligent Powered Wheelchairs Université Laval | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2013-06-23 | "P Viswanathan", "R Wang", "Garcia C Urdiales ", " C Mandel", Francois Routhier, "S Arthanat", "K Moffatt" |
Shared Control Policies for Safe Wheelchair Navigation of Elderly Adults with Cognitive and Mobility Impairments: Designing a Wizard of Oz Study | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2014-06-04 | "Ian Mitchell ", "P Viswanathan", "B Adhikari", "E Rothfels", "AK Mackworth" |
State of the Field: Findings from the 2014 Smart Wheelchairs in Assessment and Training (SWAT) Workshop University of British Columbia | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-06-13 | "P Viswanathan", "RH Wang", "A Sutcliffe", "L Kenyon", "G Foley", Emma Smith, Bill Miller, "SWAT Participants" |
A Wizard-of-Oz Intelligent Wheelchair Study with Cognitively-Impaired Older Adults: Attitudes toward User Control University of British Columbia | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2014-09-14 | "P Viswanathan", "JL Bell", "RH Wang", "B Adhikari", "AK Mackworth", "A Mihailidis ", Bill Miller, Ian Mitchell |
An evaluation of a blended simulator-based and in-truck training on the development of backing skills on a semi-trailer for learner truck driversThis research compares the results of a traditional in-truck training program with those of a blended approach that alternates truck simulator-based training with in-truck training to accelerate learning so that learners and their teachers have more time and attention within their program to develop the higher order skills needed to prevent crashes. University of Manitoba | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2014-06-03 | "Pierro Hirsch", "François Bellavance", Amine Choukou |
Automatically characterizing driving activities onboard smart wheelchairs from accelerometer data McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2015-09-28 | "H K Yuen", Joelle Pineau, Philippe Archambault |
CanWheel: Improving Power Wheeled Mobility for Older Canadians University of British Columbia, Université de Montréal, Université Laval | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-03-01 | Bill Miller, Ben Mortenson, Paula Rushton, "P Viswanathan", Francois Routhier, "RL Kirby" |
CanWheel: Improving wheeled mobility of older adults University of British Columbia, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2013-04-09 | "C Auger", Bill Miller, "L Demers", Paula Rushton, "CanWheel Research Team" |
Collaboratively Controlled Intelligent Robotic Wheelchairs: Capabilities and User Interfaces University of British Columbia | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2013-06-20 | "B Kim", "A Mihailidis", Ian Mitchell, "P TalebiFard", "P Viswanathan", "RH Wang" |
Design and Evaluation of a Flexible Interface for Spatial Navigation McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2012-05-27 | "E Tsang", "S C W Ong", Joelle Pineau |
Development and User Validation of Driving Tasks for a Power Wheelchair Simulator. McGill University, Université Laval, University of British Columbia | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2015-06-09 | Philippe Archambault, " E Blackburn", "Denise Reid", Francois Routhier, Bill Miller, "Kirby RL" |
Human-Oriented Design and Initial Validation of an Intelligent Powered Wheelchair Université Laval | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2010-01-01 | "W Honore", "A Atrash", "P Boucher", "R Kaplow", "S Kelouwani", "H Nguyen", "J Villemure", "R West", Francois Routhier, " P Stone", " C Dufour", " J-P Dussault", " D Rock", " P Cohen", " L Demers", " R Forget", " Joelle Pineau" |
Interface design for a shared control, tele-operated power wheelchair. University of British Columbia | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2014-08-20 | Emma Smith, Bill Miller, Ben Mortenson, "A Mihailidis ", "P Viswanathan", "J Lo ", "P Pham" |
Learning from Limited Demonstrations McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2013-12-05 | "B Kim", "A M Farahmand", Joelle Pineau, "D Precup" |
Long-Term Care Facility Residents’ Initial Experiences and Perceptions of Intelligent Power Wheelchairs Université de Montréal, University of British Columbia | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-03-01 | Paula Rushton, Ben Mortenson, "P Viswanathan", "R Wang", "LH Clark", Bill Miller |
Mobility Profile and Wheelchair Driving Skills of Powered Wheelchair Users: Sensor-Based Event Recognition Using a Support Vector Machine Classifier McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2011-08-30 | "A K Moghaddam", Joelle Pineau, "J Frank", "P Boissy " |
On the design and validation of an intelligent powered wheelchair: lessons from the SmartWheeler project McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2010-11-10 | Joelle Pineau, " A Atrash", "R Kaplow", " J Villemure" |
On the Use of Modular Software and Hardware for Designing Wheelchair Robots McGill University, University of British Columbia | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-03-21 | "Martin Gerdzhev", Joelle Pineau, Ian Mitchell, "Pooja Viswanathan ", Geneviève Foley |
Smart Wheelchairs in Assessment and Training: A Consensus Workshop University of British Columbia, McGill University, Université Laval | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-03-01 | "P Viswanathan", "RH Wang", "A Sutcliffe", "L Kenyon", "Foley G", "M Adams", "P Archambault", "B Black", "J Blain", "M Bresler", "S Cotarla", "Y Demiris", "Ed Giesbrecht", "P Gardney", "P Gryfe", "K Hall", "C Mandel", "K McGilton", "F Michaud", Ian Mitchell, Ben Mortenson, "L Nilsson", Joelle Pineau, Emma Smith, "E Zambalde", "D Zondervan", Francois Routhier, "T Carlson", "L Kirby", "R Simpson", Bill Miller, "A Mihailidis" |
Validation of a power wheelchair simulator through user feedback. McGill University, University of British Columbia, Université Laval | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-04-19 | Philippe Archambault, "D Gagnon", Bill Miller, Francois Routhier |
Wizard-of-Oz and Mixed-Methods Studies to Inform Intelligent Wheelchair Design for Older Adults with Dementia | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2013-09-19 | "P Viswanathan", "RH Wang", "A Mihailidis" |
A Bayesian approach for learning and planning in partially observable Markov decision processes McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2011-02-01 | "Stéphane Ross", Joelle Pineau, "Brahim Chaib-draa", "Pierre Kreitmann" |
A survey of point-based POMDP solvers McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2013-01-01 | Guy Shani, Joelle Pineau, Robert Kaplow |
Adaptive control of epileptiform excitability in an in vitro model of limbic seizures McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2013-01-01 | Gabriella Panuccio, Arthur Guez, Robert Vincent, Massimo Avoli, Joelle Pineau |
Automatic Detection and Classification of Unsafe Events during Power Wheelchair Use McGill University, Université Laval, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2014-10-30 | Joelle Pineau, "Athena K Moghaddam", "Hiu Kim Yuen", Philippe Archambault, Francois Routhier, Francois Michaud, "Patrick Boissy" |
Buildling adaptive dialogue systems via Bayes adaptive POMDPs McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2012-11-27 | "Shaowei Png", Joelle Pineau, "B Chaib-draa" |
Evidence-based modeling of network discharge dynamics during periodic pacing to control epileptiform activity McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2012-01-01 | Keith Bush, Gabriella Panuccio, Massimo Avoli, Joelle Pineau |
Exploring powered wheelchair users and their caregivers' perspectives on potential intelligent power wheelchair use: a qualitative study. Université de Montréal, McGill University, Caregiver, Université Laval | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2014-02-01 | Dahlia Kairy, Rushton PW, Philippe Archambault, Pituch E, Torkia C, El Fathi A, Paula Stone, Francois Routhier, Forget R, Louise Demers, Joelle Pineau, Gourdeau R |
Informing sequential clinical decision-making through reinforcement learning: an empirical study McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2011-01-01 | "Susan M Shortreed", "Eric Laber", "Daniel J Lizotte", "T Scott Stroup", Joelle Pineau, "Susan A Murphy" |
Non-deterministic policies in Markovian decision processes McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2011-01-01 | "Mahdi Milani Fard", Joelle Pineau |
On the feasibility of using a standardized test for evaluating a speech-controlled smart wheelchair McGill University, Université Laval | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2011-06-01 | Joelle Pineau, "Robert West", "Amin Atrash", "Julien Villemure", Francois Routhier |
Policy iteration based on stochastic factorization McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2014-01-01 | Andre M S Barreto, Joelle Pineau, Doina Precup |
Time series analysis using geometric template matching University of Waterloo, McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2013-01-01 | James Frank, S Mannor, Joelle Pineau, D Precup |
Smart Wheelchairs in Assessment and Training (SWAT): State of the FieldThe Smart Wheelchairs in Assessment and Training (SWAT) initiative was conducted with an international and interdisciplinary group of researchers, clinicians, and members of industry with experience in powered wheelchair intervention.
This state of the field report summarizes the initiative results, and suggests next steps in the research,
development, and commercialization of smart wheelchair technologies for assessment and training of powered mobility use.
University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, McGill University, Université de Sherbrooke | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2018-02-01 | Pooja Viswanathan, Rosalie Wang, "Andrew Suttcliffe", "Lisa Kenyon", Geneviève Foley, Bill Miller, "Julianne Bell", "Lee Kirby", "Rich Simpson", Alex Mihailidis, "Marlene Adams", Philippe Archambault, "Ross Black", "Julie Blain", "Mark Bresler", "Simona Cotarla", "Yiannis Demiris", Ed Giesbrecht, "Paula Gardner", "Pearl Gryfe", "Karen Hall", "Christian Mandel", "Kathy McGilton", Francois Michaud, Ian Mitchell, Ben Mortenson, "Lisbeth Nilsson", Joelle Pineau, Emma Smith, "Ellen Zambalde", "Danny Zondervan", 2191, "Tom Carlson" |
Enhancing the usability and safety of mobility scootersPolicy recommendations to enhance the usability and safety of mobility scooters. Prepared in completion of the APPTA Pep Talks Certification Program. University of British Columbia, McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2019-07-10 | Dolapo Owonuwa, Bill Miller, Ben Mortenson, Philippe Archambault |
ARCtag team workshop with stakeholders-2018 AGE-WELL Summer InstituteWorkshop with Seniors at Canmore and mentors at the 2018 AGE-WELL Summer Institute towards developing novel technology to enhance the leisure experience of older adults when performing outdoor activities. McGill University, University of Toronto, Wilfrid Laurier University | KTEE - Commercialization | 2018-06-20 | Dolapo Owonuwa, Shaun Fickling, Tatiana Son, Jiamin Dai, Ilan Max, Leigh-Anne Gillespie, Richard McAloney, Josephine McMurray |
A Wheelchair Learns from its UserAttended FQRNT (Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies) regroupement REPARTI (Regroupe pour l'étude des environnements partagés intelligents répartis) workshop on May 27, 2016 at Laval University in Sainte-Foy Quebec.
I am a Master's student under the supervision of Professor Joelle Pineau in the School of Computer Science. McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-05-27 | Alan Do-Omri, Joelle Pineau |
A Wheelchair Learns from its UserPoster presented during NCFRN (NSERC Canadian Field Robotics Network) Field Trials during June 2016. Was also interviewed during the occasion (http://ici.radio-canada.ca/regions/ontario/2016/06/14/016-robotique-chercheurs-sudbury-robots-drones.shtml). McGill University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-06-08 | Alan Do-Omri, Joelle Pineau |
An Overview of Wheeled Mobility Device Use and Funding in Canada University of British Columbia | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-03-17 | Emma Smith, Bill Miller |
Outcome measurement in wheelchair seating, positioning and mobility Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-06-13 | "R McDonald", Paula Rushton, "Ed Giesbrecht", "L Kirby", "P Viswanathan", "J Casey" |
Smart Wheelchairs in Assessment and Training: Findings from a Consensus Workshop University of British Columbia | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-03-01 | "P Viswanathan", "RH Wang", "A Sutcliffe", "L Kenyon", "G Foley ", Bill Miller, "SWAT Participants" |
The evolution of wheelchair skills training in Canada - From gold to bold! McGill University, University of British Columbia, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-06-13 | "Krista Best", "C Smith", "Ed Giesbrecht", Philippe Archambault, Bill Miller, Paula Rushton, Emma Smith, "RL Kirby" |
Manual Wheelchair Data Logging: Outcomes, Challenges and Barriers. Symposium: 32nd International Seating Symposium: Imagine the Possibilities
Location: Vancouver, Canada Université Laval, University of British Columbia | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-03-03 | Francois Routhier, Kate Keetch, Josiane Lettre, Ian Mitchell, "J Borisoff", Bill Miller |
Usability and utility assessment of typical navigational tasks with an intelligent powered wheelchair tested in an ecological setting | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2018-07-08 | Anne-Marie Hebert |