Ashley-Ann Marcotte is a Research Coordinator at Dalhousie University. She has a Master's degree in Community Psychology from Wilfrid Laurier University where she focused on healthcare access for LGBTQIA+ communities. She has an interest in Community Based Research and values community and partner engagement. With OA-INVOLVE and SMARTech Ashley-Ann has focused on older adult engagement in research, and opportunities to enhance older adult independence, autonomy, and well-being in continuing care through the use of SMART technologies. Outputs
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Older Adult Research Partner Group Meeting1.3 OA-INVOLVE Independent, , Dalhousie University, Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network, University of Guelph | Networking and Partnerships | 2018-11-27 | Izabela Panek, Bessie Harris, Gregory Sanford, Maryann Mancini, Trudie Helmke, Romeo Colobong, Pia Kontos, Ian Goldman, Anne Kerr, Judith Carson, Janet Fowler, Chester Sun, Winnie Houston, Sue Woods, Carole Lindstone, Kieran O'Doherty, Alexis Fabricius, Ashley-Ann Marcotte | OARPG National meeting1.3 OA-INVOLVE Northwood Inc., Dalhousie University, Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network, University of Guelph, Independent, | Networking and Partnerships | 2019-02-19 | Susan Kirkland, Pia Kontos, Kieran O'Doherty, Romeo Colobong, Chester Sun, Alexis Fabricius, Ian Goldman, Bessie Harris, Trudie Helmke, Gregory Sanford, Maryann Mancini, Judith Carson, Janet Fowler, Anne Kerr, Winnie Sun, Carole Lindstone, Sue Woods, Amanda Jenkins, Ashley-Ann Marcotte | WP1.3 Team Meeting 1.3 OA-INVOLVE Northwood Inc., Dalhousie University, Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network, University of Guelph | Networking and Partnerships | 2019-01-22 | | WP1.3 Team Meeting 1.3 OA-INVOLVE Northwood Inc., Dalhousie University, University of Guelph | Networking and Partnerships | 2019-02-12 | | WP 1.3 Meeting 1.3 OA-INVOLVE Northwood Inc., Dalhousie University, Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network, University of Guelph | Networking and Partnerships | 2019-03-05 | | Twitter Takeover Brief for Website A brief on the Twitter Takeover Event at the 2018 AGE-WELL conference was created for the OA-INVOLVE website. 1.3 OA-INVOLVE Northwood Inc., Dalhousie University, Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network, University of Guelph, Independent | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2019-05-24 | Susan Kirkland, Amanda Jenkins, Pia Kontos, Kieran O'Doherty, Romeo Colobong, Ashley-Ann Marcotte, Alexis Fabricius, Chester Sun, Janet Fowler, Carole Lindstone, Ian Goldman, "OARPG " | Twitter Takeover Blog Post A blog post on the 2018 Twitter Takeover Event was written by Amanda and Ashley-Ann and posted on the OA-INVOLVE website. 1.3 OA-INVOLVE Dalhousie University | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2019-06-07 | | Don't Panic! Work package 1's Guide to Interactive Methodologies for Research/PracticePoster Presented at AGE-WELL 2019 Conference1.2 TUNGSTEN, 1.3 OA-INVOLVE, 1.1a ITNE-SK, 1.5-CAT Toronto Rehab Institute/University Health Network, University of Saskatchewan, Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network, Ryerson University, Dalhousie University, Northwood Inc. | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2019-10-23 | Cathleen Edwards, Jen Langan, Danette Starblanket, Carrie Bourassa, Arlene Astell, Deborah Fels, Amanda Jenkins, Susan Kirkland, Romeo Colobong, Alexis Fabricius, Ashley-Ann Marcotte | Home Care MeetingSMARTech Home Support team meetingAWCRP-2020-11 Dalhousie University, Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network, Northwood Inc., Novalte Inc. | Networking and Partnerships | 2021-05-27 | |