Adaptive Drift Calibration of Accelerometers with Direct Velocity Measurements Bruyere Research Institute, Carleton University, Bruyère Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-05-01 | Mike Rockwood, Bruce Wallace, Rafik Goubran, Frank Knoefel, Shawn Marshall |
Automation of the Validation, Anonymization, and Augmentation of Big Data from a Multi-Year Driving Study Bruyere Research Institute, Carleton University, Bruyère Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-07-01 | Bruce Wallace, Rafik Goubran, Frank Knoefel, Shawn Marshall, 4567, Madeline Harlow, Akshay Puli |
Big Data Analytics to Identify Deceleration Characteristics of an Older Driver Bruyere Research Institute, Carleton University, Bruyère Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-05-01 | Bruce Wallace, Akshay Puli, Rafik Goubran, Frank Knoefel, Shawn Marshall, 4567, Andrew Smith |
Measurement of Vehicle Acceleration in Studies or Older Drivers from GPS Position and OBDII Velocity Sensors Bruyere Research Institute, Carleton University, Bruyère Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-05-01 | Bruce Wallace, Mike Rockwood, Rafik Goubran, Frank Knoefel, Shawn Marshall, 4567 |
Monitoring cognitive ability in patients with moderate dementia using a modified “whack-a-mole”Monitoring cognitive ability in patients with moderate dementia using a modified “whack-a-mole”
Bruce Wallace; Frank Knoefel; Rafik Goubran; Philippe Masson; Amanda Baker; Brianna Allard; Eleni Stroulia; Victor Guana
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)
Year: 2017
Pages: 292 - 297
IEEE Conference Publications Carleton University, Bruyère Research Institute, University of Alberta | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-09-20 | Bruce Wallace, Frank Knoefel, Rafik Goubran, "Philippe Masson", Amanda Baker, Brianna Allard, Eleni Stroulia, Victor Guana |
The Detection of Breathing Behaviour Using Eulerian-Enhanced Thermal Video Carleton University, Bruyère Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-08-01 | Stephanie Bennett, Rafik Goubran, Frank Knoefel |
User-Engagement Workshop - TUNGSTEN (Tools for User Needs Gathering to Support Technology ENgagement) workshop for AGE-WELL NCEBringing together older adults, their family members, healthcare providers, researchers, community organizations, and representatives from technology industry, the overall purpose of the proposed workshop is to plan, organize, and facilitate a knowledge mobilization workshop examining obstacles and barriers to technology acquisition and use, develop practical activities for addressing the current barriers/obstacles, and evaluate this as a model of engagement to rollout across the AGE-WELL network. In these workshops, older adults, family members, and healthcare professionals, will work as experts alongside industry representatives and researchers, to identify the issues of relevance to them and create real world solutions.
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2016-09-09 | Arlene Astell, Anar Dilara, Erica Dove, Rebekah Churchyard |
Detecting Cognitive Ability Changes in Patients with Moderate Dementia Using a Modified "Whack-a-MoleB. Wallace, F. Knoefel, R. Goubran, P. Masson, A. Baker, V. Guana, E. Stroulia, “Detecting Cognitive Ability Changes in Patients With Moderate Dementia Using a Modified 'Whack-a-Mole' Game”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 1521-1534, Jul. 2018
This paper presents results from a 1-year study of 12 patients with moderate dementia in an adult-day program who played a novel whack-a-mole game-based measurement instrument for cognitive behavior and performance. The ongoing measurement of cognition and changes associated with dementia is a challenge for healthcare providers. Measurement methods based on a tablet-based instrument are proposed. Partnership with the adult day program greatly eased recruitment: all but 1 eligible participant joined our study, compared to 1 in 5, or lower, for previous studies with similar populations. There are three unique aspects to the design of our game: first, it has two distinct targets requiring different actions, which increases the cognitive processing for the users; second, each level is systematically more difficult; third, it records and analyzes player performance. The results show that the patients’ game performance improves over the first few weeks; this indicates that they are learning the game and retaining ability gains from week to week, suggesting some procedural learning is still intact. Over the year, 4 participants showed cognitive decline, 4 were stable and 3 improved based on their MMSE score. Two measures are proposed based on level progression within the sessions and mole-hit performance. The level-progression measure identifies declining participants with 1FN and 1FP error. The mole-hit performance measure identifies declining participants with 1FN error. These results demonstrate the potential for the proposed instrument to provide an ongoing measurement as an alternative for the repeated application of the MMSE. Bruyère Research Institute, Carleton University, AGE-WELL NIH SAM3, Bruyere Research Institute, University of Alberta | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2018-07-01 | Frank Knoefel, Rafik Goubran, "Philippe Masson", Brianna Allard, Amanda Baker, Bruce Wallace, Victor Guana, Eleni Stroulia |
Detecting Cognitive Ability Changes in Patients With Moderate Dementia Using a Modified 'Whack-a-Mole' GameB. Wallace, F. Knoefel, R. Goubran, P. Masson, A. Baker, V. Guana, E. Stroulia, “Detecting Cognitive Ability Changes in Patients With Moderate Dementia Using a Modified 'Whack-a-Mole' Game”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 1521-1534, Jul. 2018. AGE-WELL NIH SAM3, Bruyere Research Institute, Carleton University, Bruyère Research Institute, University of Alberta | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2018-07-01 | Bruce Wallace, Frank Knoefel, Rafik Goubran, Amanda Baker, Victor Guana, Eleni Stroulia |
In-Bed Mobility Monitoring Using Pressure Sensors Carleton University, Bruyère Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-08-01 | Stephanie Bennett, Zhaofen Ren, Rafik Goubran, Kenneth Rockwood, Frank Knoefel |
Cognitive change measurement through driving navigation ability sensing and analysis Bruyere Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2013-01-01 | Bruce Wallace |
Design of games for measurement of cognitive impairment Bruyere Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2014-01-01 | Bruce Wallace |
Measurement of driving routes and correlation to optimal navigation paths Bruyere Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2013-01-01 | Bruce Wallace |
Measuring variation in driving habits between drivers Bruyere Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2014-01-01 | Bruce Wallace |
Mieux comprendre les maladies dégénératives: Démystifier la maladie d'Alzheimer Mieux comprendre les maladies dégénératives: Démystifier la maladie d'Alzheimer (November 2017)
Miniécole de médecine (uOttawa), Canada Ottawa
Main Audience: General Public
Contribution Role: Presenter
Bruyère Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2018-11-30 | Frank Knoefel |
The Aging Brain (in an aging body) The Aging Brain (in an aging body) (September 2017)
Courtyards on Eagleson Special Public Education sessions
Canada Kanata, ON
Main Audience: General Public
Contribution Role: Presenter
Bruyère Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-09-29 | Frank Knoefel |
The other dementias (Vascular, Lewy Body, and Aphasias) The other dementias (Vascular, Lewy Body, and Aphasias) (October 2017)
Courtyards on Eagleson Special Public Education Series
Canada Kanata, ON
Main Audience: General Public
Contribution Role: Presenter
Bruyère Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-10-31 | Frank Knoefel |
Persons with Moderate Dementia Improving Gameplay. Carleton University, Bruyère Research Institute, University of Alberta | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-06-27 | Brianna Allard, Frank Knoefel, Rafik Goubran, Bruce Wallace, Amanda Baker, Eleni Stroulia, Victor Guana, "P Masson" |
Application of Cloud based Data Analytics for the processing of Sensor Mat Data AGE-WELL NIH SAM3, Bruyere Research Institute, Carleton University, Bruyère Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2018-10-16 | Bruce Wallace, Haoyang Liu, Rafik Goubran, Frank Knoefel |
Can a simple computer game help monitor cognitive change in persons with advancing cognitive impairment?“Refereed, First Listed Author (Abstract) In Press
Knoefel F, Goubran R, Baker A, Fraser S, Allard B, Wallace B, Stroulia E, Guana V, Masson P, Can a simple computer game help monitor cognitive change in persons with advancing cognitive impairment (poster), 9th Canadian Conference on Dementia, Canada, Toronto Conference Date: November 2017?”
Bruyère Research Institute, Carleton University, University of Ottawa, University of Alberta | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-11-02 | Frank Knoefel, Rafik Goubran, Amanda Baker, Sarah Fraser, Brianna Allard, Bruce Wallace, Eleni Stroulia, Victor Guana, "Masson, Philippe" |
Characterization of fibre optic pressure mats for long term patient monitoringBruyere Research Institute Poster Day, Ottawa, ON, September 24, 2015. Bruyère Research Institute, Carleton University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-09-24 | Madison Cohen-McFarlane, "James Green", Frank Knoefel, Rafik Goubran |
Exploring the role of immobility and vascular changes in lower limb pressure ulcer development in CCCBruyere Research Institute Poster Day, Ottawa, ON, September 24, 2015. Bruyère Research Institute, Carleton University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-09-24 | Stephanie Bennett, Frank Knoefel, Rafik Goubran |
Preventing Pressure Ulcers: Using Technology to Study Heel Immobility and Blood Flow Carleton University, Bruyère Research Institute | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-11-09 | Rafik Goubran, Frank Knoefel, Stephanie Bennett |
Face-to-face meeting between WP6.1, 6.2, 6.8, 5.1 to discuss current and future projectsDiscussion included next steps in the Ottawa WOW project as well as the Neurocatch project. Bruyère Research Institute, University of Alberta, Bruyere Research Institute, University of Waterloo | Networking and Partnerships | 2017-10-18 | Frank Knoefel, Lili Liu, Eleni Stroulia, Dillam Romero, Caroline Ethier, Christine Daum |
Chabi Godfroy Macaire, Radio-Canada -- Launch of AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub on Sensors and Analytics for Monitoring Mobility and Memory (French)Launch of AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub on Sensors and Analytics for Monitoring Mobility and Memory (French), Chabi Godfroy Macaire, Afternoon show, Radio-Canada Ottawa-Gatineau
(November 27, 2017)
Bruyère Research Institute | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2017-11-27 | Frank Knoefel |
Marie-Lou St-Onge, Radio-Canada -- Launch of AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub on Sensors and Analytics for Monitoring Mobility and Memory (French)Launch of AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub on Sensors and Analytics for Monitoring Mobility and Memory (French), Marie-Lou St-Onge, Sur le vif, Radio-Canada Ottawa-Gatineau
(November 27, 2017)
Bruyère Research Institute | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2017-11-27 | Frank Knoefel |
Michel Picard, Unique FM -- Launch of AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub on Sensors and Analytics for Monitoring Mobility and Memory (French)Launch of AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub on Sensors and Analytics for Monitoring Mobility and Memory (French), Michel Picard, Retour à maison - afternoon show, Unique FM
(November 27, 2017)
Bruyère Research Institute | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2017-11-27 | Frank Knoefel |
Seniors with dementia have been isolated throughout the pandemic - CBC RadioCBC reach Dr. Frank Knoefel at Ottawa's Bruyere Research Institute on how to help loved ones with dementia during lockdown.
Aired: Jan. 13, 2021
All in a Day with Alan Neal
CBC Radio's All In A Day is Ottawa's number one afternoon drive program -- and covers all of Eastern Ontario and West Quebec. Join Alan Neal each weekday for a fresh take on the news you need to know, regular weather and traffic updates, an overview of the best cultural events the area has to offer, and insightful interviews with politicians, musicians, thinkers and more. Contact the show at or follow along on Twitter @cbcallinaday Bruyère Research Institute | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2021-01-10 | Frank Knoefel |
Smart home technology for dementia (Workshop)Knoefel, F., Liu, L., & Bier, N. (2017). Smart home technology for dementia. Workshop presented (twice) at the 9th Canadian Dementia Conference, November 2-4, 2017, Toronto, ON. Bruyère Research Institute, University of Alberta, Université de Montréal | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-11-04 | Frank Knoefel, Lili Liu, Nathalie Bier |